mardi 8 décembre 2009

Email invite and table cards for festive season

For the season's holiday, Gatta Design has designed an emailing invite with different themes as well as table cards going hand in hand with the email invite. The implementation was made by John Modig Productions.

jeudi 12 novembre 2009

Full speed forward with new clients

The last months have been busy for Gatta Design with several new clients, many of them being start-ups.

SkySparc :: A boutique consultant firm 100 percent dedicated to Wallstreet Suite.
Together with their Head of Marketing, Gatta Design has created a new graphical identity, a case study design, new web design and an emailing design.

Fame Creations :: All-in-one Marketing Agency.
The agency approached Gatta Design to create a logotype, business card and PowerPoint template.

Tekinova :: Decoration and protection of official spaces.
To help Tekinova creating a show case, Gatta Design designed the interior of an elevator in the theme "Ziem the painter".

Sackville Partners :: A niche advisory business.
In collaboration with the founder Peter Serlachius, Gatta Design created a logotype, business card and a small, modest website.

It is great working with dynamic and enthusiastic people like these new clients. Thanks for your precious business!

mardi 29 septembre 2009

Web site for Groupe Jean Louis Valère

Together with the Director Jean Louis Foissy, Gatta Design has worked on the Flash web site for Groupe Jean Louis Valère – a group directing 5 hairdressing salons and 2 beauty institutes in Nice. The website is live since a month and is reflecting the young, trendy and professional style of the salons.

The Director Jean Louis Foissy says (in French):

"J'ai rencontré Anna lors de séances photos pour la création d'un site Internet concernant un groupe Hollandaise. J'ai de suite adhéré à sa créativité, son professionnalisme et sa disponibilité. Notre méthode de travail est très complémentaire. Elle apporte sa connaissance technique et artistique pour retransmettre en graphisme mes idées et mes concepts qu'ils soient sur le Marketing ou sur l'image de mes salons et Instituts."

vendredi 28 août 2009

Getting down the Ringback vibe

Gatta Design was approached by Muzicall's Head of Campaigns James Kaye to design their ad for Mobile Entertainment. Having already worked together in the past in another business, Gatta Design was especially happy over this collaboration and we produce a high impact ad in a few days.

samedi 6 juin 2009

Re-branding for French marketing consultancy agency

A full re-brand for the French marketing consultancy agency Conseils et Services Durables was done in the beginning of 2009.

Gatta Design designed a new logotype based on the former infinity shape, stationery, brochure and a website.

mardi 5 mai 2009

Crise or not – new clients for Gatta Design!

One trend is obvious, companies are looking for less expensive ways to manage their marketing needs. This is where small agencies like Gatta Design are in a strong position.

Latest addition to the client portfolio is 421 Consulting Group based in Sweden, specializing in the financial services space. Gatta Design is creating their graphical identity including logotype, business cards and power point presentation.

For the website, Gatta Design is collaborating with Copywriter Claire Vicker.

Two other start-ups are in the pipeline so times are exiting! More on them later!

mercredi 25 mars 2009

Book typography for private client

Gatta Design was approached to create the typography and design of the inside pages for a private client's book. Over a total of 180 pages, the book kept a clean and classic style while adding a personal touch in the chapter's headings. The book will be printed in Nice in a small edition.

jeudi 19 février 2009

Wall Street Systems LIVE with new website design

During the last quarter of 2008, Gatta Design worked together with Wall Street Systems' in-house Web Designer and the Global eMarketing Manager to re-design the look and feel of the corporate web site.

The project inlcuded Art Direction as well as flash banners. Check it out.